

Black Desert Online GDC 2018.jpg

黑色沙漠開發商 Pearl Abyss 在今日 GDC 2018 透露將在家機和行動裝置平台上推出他們的這款 MMORPG 遊戲。黑色沙漠原本預計會在 2018 年初於 Xbox One平台上發布,但很顯然的,這並沒有發生,新的消息指出 Pearl Abyss 尚未確定新的發佈時間,而這款遊戲之後也將會在 PlayStation 4 上推出。黑色沙漠這款遊戲現已在 150 多個國家發行,翻譯成 12 種語言,並在 PC 上擁有超過 850 萬個註冊用戶。

Developers hoping to learn more about the development process for an open world MMORPG can join the programming track session on Friday, March 23. The speakers are all part of the Pearl Abyss game engineering division. The lecture “Black Desert Online: Taking MMO Development to the Next Level” is set to cover some of the challenges the development team has faced and the various techniques that have been implemented to overcome those challenges.

Composers, game designers, and audio professionals are also in for a treat as Hwiman Ryu, the Audio Director for Black Desert Online, will be giving his insight on the experience their audio team had when remastering the soundtrack. The lecture is titled “How Music is Recreated: Remastered Orchestral Soundtrack for Black Desert Online” and interested parties can check this out on Friday, March 23.

There will be a short Q&A session after each lecture, so attendees will be able to ask more in-depth questions that may not have been covered in the lectures. More details for the two sessions can be found on the GDC 2018 website.


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