
什麼都可以做成模擬器 !? AMC Games 推出搭飛機模擬器「Airplane Mode」

現今科技發達,但也不是每個人在這一生中都有機會坐上飛機,不過沒機會也沒關係,一款搭飛機模擬器已經於 Steam 上架,但實際發行時間要等到 2020,如果你覺得這輩子沒有機會搭到飛機,不妨花點小錢試試看這款遊戲吧!

由 Bachronym 開發的 Airplane Mode 遊戲,將以 AMC Games 名義發行,玩家將可以透過這款遊戲,享受到飛機上的各種服務,以及乘坐體驗,而在遊戲的系統需求部分,最低僅需 Intel Core i3 處理器及 GTX 480 顯示卡,但建議配置,則推薦玩家使用 Intel Core i5處理器及 RTX 2060 顯示卡,看來是款入門門檻不高的遊戲呢~有興趣的玩家可以關注遊戲的 Steam 頁面或是官方 Twitter 來獲取更多消息。

Taxi, take-off, and landing.
Fairly accurate satellite imagery of your flight path.
Snacks, premium beverages, and meal service (incl. fish option).
Carry-on bag with a book, headphones, pen, and charging cable.
Overhead reading light and complimentary aircraft information card.
Inflight safety video produced by IFC’s in-house team of expert air hosts.
Randomized events on every playthrough, such as turbulence, bad wifi, and delays.
Authentic ambient noise—whose baby is that???*
Inflight entertainment system featuring a flight tracker and hit movies of the 1930s.
Our award-winning magazine, Stratospheres, filled with articles, crosswords, and Sudoku.

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