NVIDIA 將停止 GeForce Partner Program(GPP)計畫

沒想到 NVIDIA 在這時間宣布停止 GeForce Partner Program(GPP)計畫,或者該說階段性任務完成?

NVIDIA 在申明中提及:「A lot has been said recently about our GeForce Partner Program. The rumors, conjecture and mistruths go far beyond its intent. Rather than battling misinformation, we have decided to cancel the program.」,會取消這計畫主要因為有些謠言的揣測已偏離 GPP 本意,因此取消這計畫。

而 GPP 的本意則是:「Ensuring that gamers know what they are buying and can make a clear choice.」,翻譯成白話文就是,讓各家旗下電競品牌都只賣 NVIDIA 的產品,就沒有選擇困難了。

的確 NVIDIA 在現今繪圖卡、運算卡市場,無疑是一代霸主,但假使當初 GPP 推出之際,是以公開的方式對廠商與玩家,或許這些謠言就不會諸多揣測偏離本意。倘若 GPP 是要給玩家一個更簡單、明瞭的選擇,為何不一開始就公開這計畫呢?

以下是 Pulling the Plug on GPP, Leaning into GeForce 原文,由 JOHN TEEPLE 所撰寫。

A lot has been said recently about our GeForce Partner Program. The rumors, conjecture and mistruths go far beyond its intent. Rather than battling misinformation, we have decided to cancel the program.

GPP had a simple goal – ensuring that gamers know what they are buying and can make a clear choice.

NVIDIA creates cutting-edge technologies for gamers. We have dedicated our lives to it. We do our work at a crazy intense level – investing billions to invent the future and ensure that amazing NVIDIA tech keeps coming. We do this work because we know gamers love it and appreciate it. Gamers want the best GPU tech. GPP was about making sure gamers who want NVIDIA tech get NVIDIA tech.

With GPP, we asked our partners to brand their products in a way that would be crystal clear. The choice of GPU greatly defines a gaming platform. So, the GPU brand should be clearly transparent – no substitute GPUs hidden behind a pile of techno-jargon.

Most partners agreed. They own their brands and GPP didn’t change that. They decide how they want to convey their product promise to gamers. Still, today we are pulling the plug on GPP to avoid any distraction from the super exciting work we’re doing to bring amazing advances to PC gaming.

This is a great time to be a GeForce partner and be part of the fastest growing gaming platform in the world. The GeForce gaming platform is rich with the most advanced technology. And with GeForce Experience, it is “the way it’s meant to be played.”

source: blogs.nvidia.com/…gpp

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我是 Sinchen。