AMD 回應 NVIDIA GPP 提及「選擇自由是 PC Gaming 的天賦人權」

面對 NVIDIA GPP(GeForce 合作伙伴方案),將可提供顯示卡、筆電廠商更好的技術支援、產品的支持,以及使用官方的行銷資源等利因,但要求顯示卡、筆電廠商必須排除同品牌下的 AMD 產品。這也讓 ASUS、MSI、GIGABYTE 等廠商,必須推出新系列的品牌來行銷 AMD 產品。華碩也端出曾經的「AREZ 」來應對。


而 AMD 近日於 Radeon 網站中提到:「PC Gaming 的玩家,是建立在自由選擇之上,即便近日合作伙伴將推出新系列的 AMD 品牌產品,但對於 AMD 更致力於開放與創新,創造透明的企業標準。

AMD 的高階顯示卡產品,將提供伙伴完整的支援,且無須任何反競爭條件。(We pledge to put premium, high-performance graphics cards in the hands of as many gamers as possible and give our partners the support they need without anti-competitive conditions.)

對於 PC DIY 或 PC Gaming 來說選擇自由,一直以來是這市場的基石,這並非特權而是理所當然。(We believe that freedom of choice in PC gaming isn’t a privilege. It’s a right.)

Radeon RX Graphics: A Gamer’s Choice 原文由 Scott Herkelman 所撰寫,摘錄如下:

Our proud pastime of PC gaming has been built on the idea of freedom. Freedom to choose. How to play the game. What to do and when to do it. And specifically, what to play it on. PC gaming has a long, proud tradition of choice. Whether you build and upgrade your own PCs, or order pre-built rigs after you’ve customized every detail online, you know that what you’re playing on is of your own making, based on your freedom to choose the components that you want. Freedom of choice is a staple of PC gaming.

Over the coming weeks, you can expect to see our add-in board partners launch new brands that carry an AMD Radeon product. AMD is pledging to reignite this freedom of choice when gamers choose an AMD Radeon RX graphics card. These brands will share the same values of openness, innovation, and inclusivity that most gamers take to heart. The freedom to tell others in the industry that they won’t be boxed in to choosing proprietary solutions that come bundled with “gamer taxes” just to enjoy great experiences they should rightfully have access to. The freedom to support a brand that actively works to advance the art and science of PC gaming while expanding its reach.

The key values that brands sporting AMD Radeon products will offer are:

• A dedication to open innovation – AMD works tirelessly to advance PC gaming through close collaboration with hardware standards bodies, API and game developers, making our technologies available to all to help further the industry. Through our collaboration with JEDEC on memory standards like HBM and HBM2, Microsoft on DirectX and Khronos on Vulkan, and through the GPUOpen initiative where we provide access to a comprehensive collection of visual effects, productivity tools, and other content at no cost, we’re enabling the industry to the benefit of gamers.

• A commitment to true transparency through industry standards – Through industry standards like AMD FreeSync technology, we’re providing the PC ecosystem with technologies that significantly enhance gamers’ experiences, enabling partners to adopt them at no cost to consumers, rather than penalizing gamers with proprietary technology “taxes” and limiting their choice in displays.

• Real partnerships with real consistency – We work closely with all our AIB partners, so that our customers are empowered with the best, high-performance, high quality gaming products and technologies available from AMD. No anti-gamer / anti-competitive strings attached.

• Expanding the PC gaming ecosystem – We create open and free game development technologies that enable the next generation of immersive gaming experiences across PC and console ecosystems. These efforts have resulted in advancements such as AMD FreeSync adoption on TVs for Xbox One S or X, integration of forward looking “Vega” architecture features and technologies into Far Cry 5 without penalizing the competition, and inclusion of open sourced AMD innovations into the Vulkan API which game developers can adopt freely.

We pledge to put premium, high-performance graphics cards in the hands of as many gamers as possible and give our partners the support they need without anti-competitive conditions. Through the support of our add-in-board partners that carry forward the AMD Radeon RX brand, we’re continuing to push the industry openly, transparently and without restrictions so that gamers have access to the best immersive technologies, APIs and experiences.

We believe that freedom of choice in PC gaming isn’t a privilege. It’s a right.


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我是 Sinchen。