NVIDIA RTX 3080 / 3090 缺貨直到 2021 不是供應問題是需求太大

針對目前 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 / 3090 供貨短缺的狀況,Tomshardware 詢問了 NVIDIA CEO 黃仁勛先生,其也證實供貨不足的情況可能會到 2021 年。

NVIDIA CEO 黃仁勛先生這麼說道:「I believe that demand will outstrip all of our supply through the year,” Huang said. “Remember, we’re also going into the double-whammy. The double-whammy is the holiday season. Even before the holiday season, we were doing incredibly well, and then you add on top of it the ‘Ampere factor,’ and then you add on top of that the ‘Ampere holiday factor,’ and we’re going to have a really really big Q4 season.」。

NVIDIA 並未供貨不足,而是玩家對於新卡的需求大大於預期所導致(”The demand issue is that it is much much greater than we expected — and we expected really a lot.”),再加上 10 月的連假以及皆下來 11、12 月的 Holiday Season,這也將是一個非常重要的 Q4 時間。

通路也反應出這違反常理的現象,以往玩家都會先觀望值到有需求或真的需要更新才購買新硬體,但這次 RTX 30 顯卡卻前所未見的狀況,只要供貨後就即刻賣完的現象。

“I appreciate it very much, I just don’t think there’s a real problem to solve. It’s a phenomenon to observe. It’s just a phenomenon.”,黃仁勛先生說道:「我非常感激,但這並不是一個問題而是一個值得觀察的現象。」

不過從 NVIDIA 推遲 RTX 3070 的上市時間,可見 NVIDIA 正努力的準備供貨,讓更多的玩家可獲得 RTX 30 的效能增長。


source: tomshardware.com




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