

Ubisoft發布了一個驚人的新聞稿,宣布ATOMEGA下週將在Steam上推出,是一個新的線上多人FPS遊戲。由Reflections開發,由“Grow Home & Grow Up”製作團隊再次合作打造的遊戲。結合了許多不同以往經典小遊戲的元素,整體既有復古遊戲的感覺又不失新意。遊戲為8人制,藉由收集方塊讓自己的角色成長,過程中可以攻擊其他玩家獲取方塊,進化到越後面攻擊力越強,但移動速度則是變慢,感覺上會是個很有趣的遊戲。



Grow, fight, collect and evade in the last cosmic arena the very end of time. Acquire MASS to evolve your EXOFORM from the nimble ATOM to the godlike OMEGA and compete for fun and dominance in a fast-paced, multiplayer shooter. ATOMEGA™ !

It is the very end of time. Reality dissolves like cotton candy in a puddle and all that exists are EXOFORMS, super advanced post-biological lifeforms; masters of matter and energy and the last, distant relative to man and machine. As the laws of physics slowly repeal the EXOFORMS fight for fun and dominance, replaying the final moments of the universe over and over in the last arena that will ever exist.


1st person retro-arena shooter. FIGHT LIKE ITS THE END OF TIME!
A single arena on the brink of destruction. MASTER YOUR LAST MOMENTS!
Compete online with up to 8 players. COMPETE FOR GLORY!
Collect Mass to evolve through 7 EXOFORMs from nimble ATOM to godlike
OMEGA each with different strengths, weaknesses and tactical advantages. BIGGER IS BETTER!
Sustain OMEGA form to dominate the arena. YOU ARE LIKE UNTO A GOD!
Collect 10 HACKS to temporally boost your abilities. WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING!





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