NVIDIA 釋出 GeForce 417.71 WHQL 驅動更新正式支援 FreeSync 螢幕啟動 G-SYNC Compatible 模式

先前提到的 G-SYNC Compatible 功能,如今 NVIDIA 釋出新版 GeForce 417.71 WHQL 驅動更新,正式支援 FreeSync 螢幕啟動 G-SYNC Compatible 模式。

玩家若使用 NVIDIA 顯示卡(GTX-10 與 GTX-20 系列),搭配 FreeSync 螢幕或稱做「VESA Adaptive-Sync」的顯示器,並以 DisplayPort 連接顯示器與 GPU,都可在驅動中找到 G-Sync 選項並啟動。

有興趣的玩家在更新驅動後,即可使用 N 卡感受 Adaptive-Sync 的效果,至於真 G-Sync 與 G-SYNC Compatible 差異,日後有機會再撰文跟大家分享。



G-SYNC Compatible Support

NVIDIA G-SYNC can now be used to activate the VRR features of G-SYNC Compatible displays.

G-SYNC Compatible displays have been validated by NVIDIA to not show pulsing, flickering, or other artifacts during VRR gaming.

See https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/products/g-sync-monitors/specs/ for the list of GSYNC Compatible displays.

• G-SYNC on G-SYNC Compatible displays is supported only with NVIDIA Pascal and later GPU architectures.

• Only single displays are currently supported; multiple monitors can be connected but no more than one display should have G-SYNC enabled.



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我是 Sinchen。